The Divine Liturgy: An Overview
The most central aspect of the life of the Orthodox Church is seen in her weekly service of Eucharist. Eucharist, which means thanksgiving, is what the Christian life is all about, so it is natural that the center of the Church's existence subsists in the celebration of thanksgiving. The Eucharist service in the Orthodox Church is called The Divine Liturgy, and its primary form is that liturgy that finds its origins in the adaptations made by St. John Chrysostom in the fourth century.
Let's take a walk through The Divine Liturgy. We'll start with a basic outline. Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis outlines the Liturgy like this:
Preparation Prayers for the Faithful, Cherubic Hymn, Processions Spiritual Litany, Fervent Supplication, and Kiss of Peace The Symbol of Faith (Creed)
Holy Anaphora Apostolic Blessing, Dialogue, & Great Anaphora Triumphal Hymn, Anamnesis & Institutional Words Epiclesis and Commemorations
Holy Communion Litany, Lord’s Prayer, and Invitation Holy Communion Dismissal
For this post, we will more fully explore the Liturgy this way:
1. The Bringing of the Gifts (Prothesis/Proskomedia) Preparation of the offerings of bread and wine to be used in the Eucharistic celebration.
2. The Liturgy of the Catechumens
The Great Ektania, a long prayer that sets the tone for the whole service. This litany consists of a dialogue between the deacon or priest and laity, concluding with a Trinitarian doxology. Psalm 103/104 The Little Ektania Psalm 145/146 The Troparion The Beatitudes The Little Entrance/Gospel Entrance “Come Let Us Worship” The Trisagion (i.e., Thrice-Holy) Hymn Epistle Gospel Common Prayers for the Members of the Church (Diaconal Litany) Catechumen Prayers and Departure
3. The Liturgy of the Faithful
Prayer of the Faithful Cherubic Hymn, Offertory Prayer, Great Entrance
Petition for Mercy/Litany of Oblation Deacon’s exhortation: “Let us love one another….” The Kiss of Peace Profession of Faith: Nicene Creed
The Great Thanksgiving/Eucharistic Prayer Also called the Eucharistic Canon, or Anaphora
Sursum Corda/Hymn: "It is meet and right…" The Sanctus Commemoration of the Last Supper (also known as the Mystical Supper)
The Consecration of the Gifts - Words of Institution - Offering of the Body and Blood/Hymn: "We glorify thee” - The Invocation of the Holy Spirit (Epiclesis)
The Great Prayer for the Church Comemmorating the living and the dead Megalynarion of the Theotokos Litany of Fervent Supplication Secret Prayers of the Priest Lord’s Prayer
Elevation and Breaking of the Lamb Blessing of the Faithful Sancta Sanctis: “Holy Things for the Holy” Breaking of the Lamb and Commemoration Preparatory Prayer Communion of the Clergy Elevation of the Chalice Pre-Communion Prayer Communion of the Faithful
Post-Communion Prayers and Dismissal Prayer of Thanksgiving Transfer of the Holy Body and Blood to the prosthesis table Prayer before the Ambo Dismissal of the Faithful Distribution of the Antidoron
Select Sources Used for the Post Paul Evdokimov. Orthodoxy: The Cosmos Transfigured, trans. Anthony P. Gythiel (Witchita: Eight Day Press, 2012), 276-277.
Archpriest D. Sokolof, A Manual of The Orthodox Church’s Divine Services (Jordanville: Holy Trinity Monastery, 2001), 62-84
Fr. Emmanuel Hatzidakis, The Heavenly Banquet: Understanding the Divine Liturgy, (Columbia: Orthodox Witness, 2008).